김우진 선수, 50M 금메달, 개인종합 은메달
김우진 선수, 50M 금메달, 개인종합 은메달
이원중 양궁…23년만에 첫 금 “꼭 국가대표 할 거예요”
  • 황민호 기자 minho@okinews.com
  • 승인 2006.06.22 13:13
  • 호수 831
  • 댓글 1
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이원중학교 양궁이 창단 23년 만에 전국대회 첫 금메달을 쐈다. 덩치가 큰 소년 궁사의 손 아귀에서 벗어난 화살은 금빛과녁을 명중시켰다. 지난 18일과 19일 울산 문수양궁장에서 열린 제35회 전국소년체전에서 이원중 김우진(2학년, 이원면 구미리) 선수는 50M에서 당당히 금메달을 땄다. 30M에서는 안타깝게 마지막 순간에 긴장을 해서 5위, 김우진 선수는...


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영어신문 2006-06-26 14:47:57
The dual junior high school western archery shot the national convention first gold medal at only formation of organ 23 years. The anger flesh which it escapes from hand crotch of the boy archer where the bulk is big hit the target the golden color target. If from before the 35th nationwide boy body which is opened from 18 passing 19th Ulsan shoe size western archery markets which pass Kim Oo Jin in duality (2 grade and duality nine) the bow 50M from picked the gold medal in advance grandly. 30M From to be tantalizing to become tense last in publishing every ten days, 5 place, the Kim right position bow 50M 1 place, 30M got 1378 pieces from the personal overview which adds up 5 place and to be precious place hold 2. With 1 place only 2 gradually. 30M From bay spurt Haess compared to ramyon gold medal 3 tube kingcraft hold percentage ppen it did in small quantity, but must be satisfactory in picking the first gold medal. From elementary school 3 grade time the western archery which it starts at the time of 5,6 grade the ability improved suddenly and it swept away a conference even until recently and the expectation of Pak admiration national representative bow after and dual western archery the Kim right position bow which rises mainly did not go back on that expectation. April which passes 30M place 3 from the nationwide classification bow volume conference which is opened hold, May which passes from the light northern province branch office boat national convention which is opened 50M in 3 place granularity the Kim right position bow which confirms the possibility to do June 50M made shine the real value of 1 comfort. With the gold medal of the Kim right position bow the Chung Buk the overview ranking 6 the phase which it comforts rose from 7 place. 176cm With the big build with long eight the thick wrist fixes tightly in the western archery bow. With other trouble body condition he hardened the body of the western archery bow with physical strength training which is sincere. It had ahead a conference and 5M it lit it put and and the nighttime when it shoots intensive training it led an ability and and and it improved an illumination in high sky strong wind training and and the nighttime when it shoots the bow from height. The school (principal scull residing in Japan) positive support, offense spared ten supervision and most devotion effort and the Kim beginning and ending charge teacher of the benevolence coach and deep teaching became the place character where the Kim right position bow picks the gold medal. Offense ten supervision right position is composed naturally, syus thing the sense well the which does not have inferiority with next generation national representative it talked to next year national convention 3 tube kingcraft only it will glare at the which it does. The Kim beginning and ending charge teacher goes out to a conference and nu it does not come in into a study frequently, but also the study did eagerly, it talked friend wild transition the which also the back school life which matches well is doing harmonious. The dream of the Kim right position bow talks the school senior is, the western archery national representative bow which connects one Pak admiration bow and right position. The writing the printed style of writing the nation it will represent eagerly certainly well! the example bedspread. $$ln Elder brother Jin Moog Yi of the Kim right position bow (the Chung Buk body 1) western archery, also